This blog is all about being fabulous wether you are down or just dont have that feel to be......l always say fabulosity is the order of the day,getting the skill and ability to be a better you appreciate every tiny detail that you experience and just live your life fabulously.
Friday, December 31, 2010
The whole year l have been preaching about fabulosity but what is it really?that fabulous shoe,bag,dress you have eyeing or been saving for and you finally got it that ice cream,cake or frys that you just want but you think that will make you gain weight but you finally have it and make it be so what!FABULOSITY is when you feel good about yourself and just live your life when we are going for new year why don't you live your life fabulous!
Thursday, November 18, 2010

The red ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment.
The red ribbon started as a "grass roots" effort; as a result there is no one official AIDS ribbon manufacturer, and many people make their own. It's easily done - just use some ordinary red ribbon and a safety pin!
If you want to take your awareness raising a step further then try finding a local event to take part in. Around the world there are hundreds of activities taking place to mark World AIDS Day, including candlelight vigils, art shows, marches and religious services. If you can't find anything in your area then why not organise an event yourself?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A few years back if you had asked me of any fashion designers l would have told you Calvin clain ask me what he made an would have told you underwear and cologne,ingnorant?l know……..anyway when you get exposed and start appreciating peoples work then you get a better perspective on what really is they do.l have come to admire the works of Vivian Westwood whose summer collection at the pari fashion week was spectacular, Alexis mabell,john Galliano who mixes his collection with a touch of poet and jean gaultier who has done a collection to flatter the normal regular woman’s body. Then there are the usual that is the likes of Calvin clain, jimmy chooses who just have spectacular collections that are well known to many.
Now my focus today is on local designers who most of us do not even know and recognize, am talking the likes of john kaveke who is the most talented and most craziest designer yet, he told me once that ,’am going to the market to get inspirations for your outfit’, he gets his inspirations from wired place but the result, you will definitely love,Vaishali morjaria who mixes her Indian fusion with little bit of African making it all funky and stylish, Lucy rao of Rialto fashion and wambui of jm perfection who bases most of their designs the African way from bridal to just office wear. all this designers are based in Kenya.
Then to Tanzania where l have ally who is just as wild as his sense of style,result?just superb, Mustafa hassan Ali,vida mihando,asia who likes her designs with kanga, Rio Paul who is upcoming but that space should be watched and many more.
We have more like Silvia awouri,in Uganda Thula sindi in south Africa and a bunch of many others who are just so talented, however the whole point of this is what are we doing to promote this people.
L started by saying l didn’t know most of the but now l know but still asking why l run for that Gucci bag or that George dress if l have kaveke and Ally that can make me a better dress at a cheaper price?!
We tend to believe that the those big names are better that our own whereas our own shine if given the same publicity as the others…..l always think and believe it all has to do with me and you deciding to buy that Kaveke design as compared to a lui vitton.
You tend to get a jimmy choo bag at almost two thousand dollars whereas you can get a bag at Silvia’s which is just as stylish and convenient as the jimmy choo at only one hundred dollars. so am saying wouldn’t you rather get that and support your own designers know most of you who are it girls like me(guilty)buy the name and not the bag but its time to change and try to make it a wonderful place for all of us.
I promise me to be getting a local design at least one each day l go shopping what are you going to do to support your designers?
Now my focus today is on local designers who most of us do not even know and recognize, am talking the likes of john kaveke who is the most talented and most craziest designer yet, he told me once that ,’am going to the market to get inspirations for your outfit’, he gets his inspirations from wired place but the result, you will definitely love,Vaishali morjaria who mixes her Indian fusion with little bit of African making it all funky and stylish, Lucy rao of Rialto fashion and wambui of jm perfection who bases most of their designs the African way from bridal to just office wear. all this designers are based in Kenya.
Then to Tanzania where l have ally who is just as wild as his sense of style,result?just superb, Mustafa hassan Ali,vida mihando,asia who likes her designs with kanga, Rio Paul who is upcoming but that space should be watched and many more.
We have more like Silvia awouri,in Uganda Thula sindi in south Africa and a bunch of many others who are just so talented, however the whole point of this is what are we doing to promote this people.
L started by saying l didn’t know most of the but now l know but still asking why l run for that Gucci bag or that George dress if l have kaveke and Ally that can make me a better dress at a cheaper price?!
We tend to believe that the those big names are better that our own whereas our own shine if given the same publicity as the others…..l always think and believe it all has to do with me and you deciding to buy that Kaveke design as compared to a lui vitton.
You tend to get a jimmy choo bag at almost two thousand dollars whereas you can get a bag at Silvia’s which is just as stylish and convenient as the jimmy choo at only one hundred dollars. so am saying wouldn’t you rather get that and support your own designers know most of you who are it girls like me(guilty)buy the name and not the bag but its time to change and try to make it a wonderful place for all of us.
I promise me to be getting a local design at least one each day l go shopping what are you going to do to support your designers?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ever found yourself in a situation that you happen to know something is up with either your best friends boyfriend or someone close to you but you really don’t know where to start by telling them you know that he is cheating?
Well, am guessing most of us have found themselves in this wird situations and you never seem to know whether to tell and after when they apparently makeup you be branded the turtle tale or keep it inside with the risk of when your friend gets to know about it you be called an ‘unfit friend’.
Before you act, make sure the piece of information you are about to give is true because as l say gossip by its nature is not to be trusted.
In most cases the simplest and honorable way to deal with gossip or rumors of any sort is never to pass them unless in the case of discovery of an infidelity perpetrated against a friend which might also be trick as l said earlier you get caught in between whether to tell them or not. But have this in mind if you decide not to tell your friend when the truth comes out(and believe me it always comes out)they will most defiantly ask you one of the two questions, “how come you knew and never said anything?” or “what kind of a friend are you?”. how you will feel about answering this questions will determine the cause of action best for you.
So next time you get your friends hubby cheating think twice before taking action you never know how they will react but if you are sure it is not gossip then ad rather you tell other than keeping it because if you do so you as a friend will be also be betraying a friend. make the right choice.
Sudi fab
Well, am guessing most of us have found themselves in this wird situations and you never seem to know whether to tell and after when they apparently makeup you be branded the turtle tale or keep it inside with the risk of when your friend gets to know about it you be called an ‘unfit friend’.
Before you act, make sure the piece of information you are about to give is true because as l say gossip by its nature is not to be trusted.
In most cases the simplest and honorable way to deal with gossip or rumors of any sort is never to pass them unless in the case of discovery of an infidelity perpetrated against a friend which might also be trick as l said earlier you get caught in between whether to tell them or not. But have this in mind if you decide not to tell your friend when the truth comes out(and believe me it always comes out)they will most defiantly ask you one of the two questions, “how come you knew and never said anything?” or “what kind of a friend are you?”. how you will feel about answering this questions will determine the cause of action best for you.
So next time you get your friends hubby cheating think twice before taking action you never know how they will react but if you are sure it is not gossip then ad rather you tell other than keeping it because if you do so you as a friend will be also be betraying a friend. make the right choice.
Sudi fab
Sunday, October 10, 2010
'oh my God how could she/he do something like that?' most of us find themselves saying that not that you are perfect but you are just used to judging that you make you believe that you are 'perfect'.
Most of us are not at all perfect but when you here of the other woman then the 1st thing that comes to mind is a poorly raised woman,not knowing that you just being the well behaved christian woman with a well brought up background might just fall to the same spot and just be the other woman.
When you hear someone is gay then most of us think that they are not people like us and the trash you talk about its like they are a plague and if and when you realise this is what they are and have been you'd completely disassciates with you.
In this day and age its unfortunate that they can be racists when l thought that we left that behaviour in the stone ages...l don't think its up to anyone to judge somebody according to their colour,backgroud,sexual orientation or even status,FABULOSITY is accepting those around you and leaving with them in peace,...xoxo
Most of us are not at all perfect but when you here of the other woman then the 1st thing that comes to mind is a poorly raised woman,not knowing that you just being the well behaved christian woman with a well brought up background might just fall to the same spot and just be the other woman.
When you hear someone is gay then most of us think that they are not people like us and the trash you talk about its like they are a plague and if and when you realise this is what they are and have been you'd completely disassciates with you.
In this day and age its unfortunate that they can be racists when l thought that we left that behaviour in the stone ages...l don't think its up to anyone to judge somebody according to their colour,backgroud,sexual orientation or even status,FABULOSITY is accepting those around you and leaving with them in peace,...xoxo
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Ever wonder why they usually warn about drugs and yet they sell them?
Stay away from men yet when you reach that age you just can not stay away?
Do not associate with a certain group of friends yet they are the most fun so staying away is next to impossible?
Or just even when you on that strict diet and you just cant be able to stop thinking of that chocolate cake?
They tend to say whats forbidden is the most sweetest and its mostly the most toxic,think about it,whats that that is toxic in your life?
My whole point for this is toxic things are not good for your health so if you want to feel FABULOUS then you better move that out of your life
Stay away from men yet when you reach that age you just can not stay away?
Do not associate with a certain group of friends yet they are the most fun so staying away is next to impossible?
Or just even when you on that strict diet and you just cant be able to stop thinking of that chocolate cake?
They tend to say whats forbidden is the most sweetest and its mostly the most toxic,think about it,whats that that is toxic in your life?
My whole point for this is toxic things are not good for your health so if you want to feel FABULOUS then you better move that out of your life
Thursday, October 7, 2010
When you talk of fashion then what do you understand from the word. WHAT IS FASHION? Most of us have a wild guess and think that fashion is all about wearing all the latest trends,
According to the Oracle Think Quest, Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for about 1-3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily except the changes.
Fashion theories on the other hand give an explanation of fashion as a sign system of cultural change and tribal belonging. A look at class stratification, status, profession and requirements of clothing from everyday uniform to a mass youth cult uniform.
According to Cynthia Durcanin works for Elle Magazine
Fashion is a state of mind. A spirit, an extension of one's self. Fashion talks, it can be an understated whisper, a high-energy scream or an all knowing wink and a smile. Most of all fashion is about being comfortable with you, translating self-esteem into a personal style. Fashion is a means of self-expression that allows people to try on many roles in life. Whether you prefer hip-hop or Channel-chic, fashion accommodates the chameleon in all of us. It's a way of celebrating the diversity and variety of the world in which we live. Fashion is about change which is necessary to keep life interesting. It's also a mirror of sorts on society. It's a way of measuring a mood that can be useful in many aspects, culturally, socially even psychologically. At the same time, fashion shouldn't be taken too seriously or you lose the fun of it.
I tend to agree with Cynthia because fashion for me is a habit l decide what to wear and make sure when l walk in a room everyone will notice that am in that room, its not about wearing the latest clothing that is so up and everyone is having on but its about wearing you being you letting go of that inner you. so when we get to say fashion then think about it
According to the Oracle Think Quest, Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for about 1-3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily except the changes.
Fashion theories on the other hand give an explanation of fashion as a sign system of cultural change and tribal belonging. A look at class stratification, status, profession and requirements of clothing from everyday uniform to a mass youth cult uniform.
According to Cynthia Durcanin works for Elle Magazine
Fashion is a state of mind. A spirit, an extension of one's self. Fashion talks, it can be an understated whisper, a high-energy scream or an all knowing wink and a smile. Most of all fashion is about being comfortable with you, translating self-esteem into a personal style. Fashion is a means of self-expression that allows people to try on many roles in life. Whether you prefer hip-hop or Channel-chic, fashion accommodates the chameleon in all of us. It's a way of celebrating the diversity and variety of the world in which we live. Fashion is about change which is necessary to keep life interesting. It's also a mirror of sorts on society. It's a way of measuring a mood that can be useful in many aspects, culturally, socially even psychologically. At the same time, fashion shouldn't be taken too seriously or you lose the fun of it.
I tend to agree with Cynthia because fashion for me is a habit l decide what to wear and make sure when l walk in a room everyone will notice that am in that room, its not about wearing the latest clothing that is so up and everyone is having on but its about wearing you being you letting go of that inner you. so when we get to say fashion then think about it
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Since l was a small child my mum used to tell me that l have bold eyes mums always say what makes their children feel better,but for this l came to realise that my eyes are my strongest point,most say they are intimidating but l think they are bold an there are some things l do to make them stand out more:
during the day l usually want them to look simple then at the same time alittle dramatic,so what l tend to do before l live the house in the morning is:
1.apply a dark mac eye liner above the upper lash line. make the dramatic look alittle soften just for day time l use a pencil liner(black)to creat a subtle slightly smudgy effect.
3.then l do a quick coat of mascara separating my lashes.After all this am ready to get out of th house for a fab day.
Come night l want to feel all glomorous so l pick a more brighter colour of eye liner preferably silver.
Then l do the top lashes because its to bright.
I extend each line to the side to get a slightly fancy trendy ballerina look though not to much and finish as always with my mac black mascara.
I chose to know what part of my body l love and l think it is fabulous and very sexy to know that they are my strong hold.
during the day l usually want them to look simple then at the same time alittle dramatic,so what l tend to do before l live the house in the morning is:
1.apply a dark mac eye liner above the upper lash line. make the dramatic look alittle soften just for day time l use a pencil liner(black)to creat a subtle slightly smudgy effect.
3.then l do a quick coat of mascara separating my lashes.After all this am ready to get out of th house for a fab day.
Come night l want to feel all glomorous so l pick a more brighter colour of eye liner preferably silver.
Then l do the top lashes because its to bright.
I extend each line to the side to get a slightly fancy trendy ballerina look though not to much and finish as always with my mac black mascara.
I chose to know what part of my body l love and l think it is fabulous and very sexy to know that they are my strong hold.
Monday, October 4, 2010
fabulosity ruled the run way when designers show cased the most beautiful kanga designs of all time its great to appreciate such beautiful talent and just like am always fabulous l rocked a beutiful kanga outfit that day..................and the runway was shared with bongo's plus size model and kenya's plus size model.a'l let you be the judge
Friday, October 1, 2010
now on what l was talking about yesterday,this is not a charity industry as much as its good to help the poor its a sin to help the rich when you are just struggling to earn a living,designers,photographers,agents and agencies who take advantage of models and l can say this through experience,they never pay and always try to act sweet but its just a mechanism to get models to work for them with the promice for paying them later which will never happen an if they do they will pay them peanuts,l usually feel so sad to think that people can be this heartless but they still get to justify their out for this vultures
Thursday, September 30, 2010
it is unfortunate that l have to write about this but it is so sad that threre are people who take advantage of models and am sure it is not right when people are doing things with a passion and at the same time want to earn from it now its not fair to take advantage of them.
l talk from experience and l know what am talking about,there are model agencies that never pay but always use models and earn from them,there are designers who dont pay for them..........
al name them tomorrow.
l talk from experience and l know what am talking about,there are model agencies that never pay but always use models and earn from them,there are designers who dont pay for them..........
al name them tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Addiction is the dependance on the substance an it usually leads to serious health and social consequences for the users and those around them.
Drinking regularly or excessively(more than 2units a day 4 women and 3 4 men)damages every organ in the body,1 in 3 heavy drinkers suffers liver inflammation and 1 out of 5 of these develops cirrhosis.even moderate drinking slows a person's reaction,affects verbal memory and brings insomnia and headaches and alot way more stupid things that you and me know from causing criminal activities,unsafe sex etc etc.
Ya thats what shocked me that having a couple of drinks after work might just become a habit which leads to starting to think about through the day and when they say you start arranging your life around your new 'habit'.Suddenly deep down you start feeling concerned about how much you are drinkin or drink and get to wake up the next day thinking l shouldnt have drank al that alcohol or l shouldnt have popped al those pill,you know you got a problem.
the 1st step is acknowledging your problem and admiting to yoursele before anything else
talk to a trusted friend or family member.
Tell yourself you need to put breaks on th habit
Go for an assessment with a specialist in substance addiction
Am sure with this and all support you can get from family and friends you wil get back to being fabulous!
Drinking regularly or excessively(more than 2units a day 4 women and 3 4 men)damages every organ in the body,1 in 3 heavy drinkers suffers liver inflammation and 1 out of 5 of these develops cirrhosis.even moderate drinking slows a person's reaction,affects verbal memory and brings insomnia and headaches and alot way more stupid things that you and me know from causing criminal activities,unsafe sex etc etc.
Ya thats what shocked me that having a couple of drinks after work might just become a habit which leads to starting to think about through the day and when they say you start arranging your life around your new 'habit'.Suddenly deep down you start feeling concerned about how much you are drinkin or drink and get to wake up the next day thinking l shouldnt have drank al that alcohol or l shouldnt have popped al those pill,you know you got a problem.
the 1st step is acknowledging your problem and admiting to yoursele before anything else
talk to a trusted friend or family member.
Tell yourself you need to put breaks on th habit
Go for an assessment with a specialist in substance addiction
Am sure with this and all support you can get from family and friends you wil get back to being fabulous!
I never used to understand how someone can let themselves be addicted to something that will definatly harm them in the future eg drugs...then after some research l got to find out some very shocking details....if you have been using this words that 'am function fine so whats the problem?"Maybe you are-but what if you are not really functioning?whether its an eatin disorder or a mental condition or even substance addiction,you feel vague disquiet but its not quiet fear tempting you to live in denail....this week al try bringing out such addiction and see how you can go back to living fabulous.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Someone ones told me that l should never give up in life and should always go for what l want,so might say its selfish,inconsiderate or just simply mean but to look at it from my angle is when you want the best for you then 99.9% u got to b 3 of the above to just get through face A let alone B n C,so call it whatever you want l call it fabulosity.My first audition l went there not knowing if l was cut to be for that show ,l went there with my wired cat walk and never got picked but what made me happy is the photoshoot l rocked it with no makeup on,l was so proud of myself and l remember going home that day telling myself that l will make sure l work on my walk and after two days with me as my own personal chereographer went for another audition and was picked,l call that fabulosity.
For the past 1 year av been modeling as a plus size model sharing a runway with skinny models but l made sure they get to know who l am by rocking the runway like l was born on it,l call that fabulosity.
For the past 1 year av been modeling as a plus size model sharing a runway with skinny models but l made sure they get to know who l am by rocking the runway like l was born on it,l call that fabulosity.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A bag,hand badbag or a bag you carry to accesorise your outfit can break you or make your outfit,a bag create a huge statement on what you really are made of,fashionistas know their bags and you can easily spot 1 from a crowd just by the look of her bag,l tend to like big bags that really can carry almost everythng from makeup to spare underwear(u never know when you gonna need one :-))my boyfriend always teases me that it can even fit a 21 inch screen,but a gal gotta do what she has,when it omes to my bags l choose them with alot of care l used to like gucci when was still in high school then it just grew out of me when my mum bought me my 1st jimmy choo bag,it was like being born again because from then on l love my jimmy choo's..........also got a sick fittish with lui vitton l cant put my hand on it but lui is just glamour their small bags mek me want to carry a smaller bag and finally l love my channel,but just have in mind a bag can make your out fit or break it so be careful on choosing them......
now when a man got enough since of style to rock a bag the l think thats an A plus because most men thk bags are mostly just a women's thing well you should think again when you go shopping next time be bold enough and take that bag you have been eyeing all this while but think if you carry it you will look like a sissy..........xoxo fabulosity is all that counts
now when a man got enough since of style to rock a bag the l think thats an A plus because most men thk bags are mostly just a women's thing well you should think again when you go shopping next time be bold enough and take that bag you have been eyeing all this while but think if you carry it you will look like a sissy..........xoxo fabulosity is all that counts
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Most Africans have not yet embraced the role of stylists that’s why we get flops in public appearances especially with our celebrities and you end up thinking this is just not so good well we have stylist and they make some of the people they dress look like goddesses and lords.
Rio Paul born Paul peter is one of this wonderful that for their love of fashion have dressed the likes of Jokate ,Tatiana of big brother and many others bringing out a new age of retro trend that most end up just admiring.
Rio is so charming that when l did the interview with him is like l was just chatting with a long time pal he has so much going on in his life right now that am amazed, Assisting Jokate with miss Tanzania, creating a new clothing line and balancing all this with school is just major. l talked to him about everything with from relationships to dreams. his contribution on a fashion blog,
Rio born in a family of five lost his sister before he could even get to know her says what he holds of her are just stories he is told a bout her, though his parents are divorced he says they are his inspiration watching them et dressed for their night outs or even just a day to work made him interested in fashion all the way. he says he is to ‘BUSY’ to be in a relationship so for now is riding solo on the relationship boat(just wait my friend cupid hits u with his arrow am sure your tune will change soon).
On miss Tanzania he is working closely as a stylist for Jokate who doing a weeks series on the behind the scene which he seems to really enjoy besides where else is he to be if not near fashion? he is working and having fun at the same time because this is his life a life around fashion(if Rio was among the Greek gods then am sure he will be Riolisis the god of fashion)
Talking on designers in east Africa he says the industry is really growing at a very fast pace that its inspiring to anyone starting out, talking about John kaveke designs from Kenya and the collection he did for m-net face of Africa its hard to believe that we have come to get outfits that can be showcased in Milan fashion week and every one to be like all wow! he also thinks vaishali morjaria from Kenya who mixes her Indian culture with a touch of Africa in her collections just superb, other designers like Mustafa hassan Ali ,George Zamada of Zaidi creations, Christine Mhando (currently based in London) all from Tanzania and Sant Anza from Uganda are just inspiring.
His take on models is that although they are poorly paid in East Africa but Talent is there they work and do what they do best which is good because some like Ajuma,Millen,Emma too have had success out side and have been lucky enough to rock the international runways and magazine covers.
Pulse size models are all that the African woman is all about though it is yet to be really appreciated in Africa.(l than God for African fashion fair because pulse size models get a chance to rock the runways.)
Now on the Rio by Rio Paul spring collection he says his inspiration came from very many things from the likes of Alexander macqueen,Gareth pugh,D squared, dolce and Gabana to lady gaga, using the khanga ,kitenge,platic and kikoi as his fabrics he says its all retro and pre pi,this line was inspired by Jokate,Shaa,Sheria Ngoi,Terrence Sambo,Nurru Mohammed and of course Rio Paul.
His style? its all funky. punk ,classy and FABULOUS. All the outfits range from 40,000TSH onwards, planning to launch this line end of this year.
His take on women? Rio says heels combined with the right outfit make a fabulous and sexy woman.
There is more to watch out from Paul Peter aka Rio Paul just watch this space.
Rio Paul born Paul peter is one of this wonderful that for their love of fashion have dressed the likes of Jokate ,Tatiana of big brother and many others bringing out a new age of retro trend that most end up just admiring.
Rio is so charming that when l did the interview with him is like l was just chatting with a long time pal he has so much going on in his life right now that am amazed, Assisting Jokate with miss Tanzania, creating a new clothing line and balancing all this with school is just major. l talked to him about everything with from relationships to dreams. his contribution on a fashion blog,
Rio born in a family of five lost his sister before he could even get to know her says what he holds of her are just stories he is told a bout her, though his parents are divorced he says they are his inspiration watching them et dressed for their night outs or even just a day to work made him interested in fashion all the way. he says he is to ‘BUSY’ to be in a relationship so for now is riding solo on the relationship boat(just wait my friend cupid hits u with his arrow am sure your tune will change soon).
On miss Tanzania he is working closely as a stylist for Jokate who doing a weeks series on the behind the scene which he seems to really enjoy besides where else is he to be if not near fashion? he is working and having fun at the same time because this is his life a life around fashion(if Rio was among the Greek gods then am sure he will be Riolisis the god of fashion)
Talking on designers in east Africa he says the industry is really growing at a very fast pace that its inspiring to anyone starting out, talking about John kaveke designs from Kenya and the collection he did for m-net face of Africa its hard to believe that we have come to get outfits that can be showcased in Milan fashion week and every one to be like all wow! he also thinks vaishali morjaria from Kenya who mixes her Indian culture with a touch of Africa in her collections just superb, other designers like Mustafa hassan Ali ,George Zamada of Zaidi creations, Christine Mhando (currently based in London) all from Tanzania and Sant Anza from Uganda are just inspiring.
His take on models is that although they are poorly paid in East Africa but Talent is there they work and do what they do best which is good because some like Ajuma,Millen,Emma too have had success out side and have been lucky enough to rock the international runways and magazine covers.
Pulse size models are all that the African woman is all about though it is yet to be really appreciated in Africa.(l than God for African fashion fair because pulse size models get a chance to rock the runways.)
Now on the Rio by Rio Paul spring collection he says his inspiration came from very many things from the likes of Alexander macqueen,Gareth pugh,D squared, dolce and Gabana to lady gaga, using the khanga ,kitenge,platic and kikoi as his fabrics he says its all retro and pre pi,this line was inspired by Jokate,Shaa,Sheria Ngoi,Terrence Sambo,Nurru Mohammed and of course Rio Paul.
His style? its all funky. punk ,classy and FABULOUS. All the outfits range from 40,000TSH onwards, planning to launch this line end of this year.
His take on women? Rio says heels combined with the right outfit make a fabulous and sexy woman.
There is more to watch out from Paul Peter aka Rio Paul just watch this space.
Monday, September 6, 2010
He is Fashion designer, celebrity stylist & journalist, owner of Style Infusion, contributer to American Teen Vogue Magazine , Co -owner of couture~fashionistaz {blog} and a student at Agha khan Mzizima Secondary School. Rio Paul is also Fashionjunkii representative in Tanzania currently working on the miss Tanzania vodacom that is going to be held on the 11th of september at milimani city Dare es salaam.
what l like about him is his style and is rare to find a man with an open mind like his,charming in all ways tell me something l dont out for a one on one interview with him this week.

He is Fashion designer, celebrity stylist & journalist, owner of Style Infusion, contributer to American Teen Vogue Magazine , Co -owner of couture~fashionistaz {blog} and a student at Agha khan Mzizima Secondary School. Rio Paul is also Fashionjunkii representative in Tanzania currently working on the miss Tanzania vodacom that is going to be held on the 11th of september at milimani city Dare es salaam.
what l like about him is his style and is rare to find a man with an open mind like his,charming in all ways tell me something l dont out for a one on one interview with him this week.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Some say it is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for about 1-3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily except the changes.
A clothing style may be introduced as a fashion, but its use becomes a custom after being handed down from generation to generation. A fashion that comes and goes is called a Fad.
During the mid-1800's, a mass production of clothing was made fashionable and available to more people for lower prices. This encouraged more people to wear more stylish clothes which is why we are wearing what we are today.
Clothing is made out of all types of matieral such as cotton, rayon, spandex, and polyester,and they are just a few used. Some clothing may even be made of 2 or more different types, this is known as " Blending."
Clothing can be decorated or designed with all types of images and colors. The designs can either be embroidered onto the fabric, woven on to the fabric, silk screened, or ironed onto the fabric to create a desired look. Some images that have been used to enhance an article of clothing range from a simple design on front of a T shirt to a famous printing that has been woven into fabric creating a colorful piece of art that one can wear.
some say is a term usually used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour, beauty and style it is also applies to a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all.
A clothing style may be introduced as a fashion, but its use becomes a custom after being handed down from generation to generation. A fashion that comes and goes is called a Fad.
During the mid-1800's, a mass production of clothing was made fashionable and available to more people for lower prices. This encouraged more people to wear more stylish clothes which is why we are wearing what we are today.
Clothing is made out of all types of matieral such as cotton, rayon, spandex, and polyester,and they are just a few used. Some clothing may even be made of 2 or more different types, this is known as " Blending."
Clothing can be decorated or designed with all types of images and colors. The designs can either be embroidered onto the fabric, woven on to the fabric, silk screened, or ironed onto the fabric to create a desired look. Some images that have been used to enhance an article of clothing range from a simple design on front of a T shirt to a famous printing that has been woven into fabric creating a colorful piece of art that one can wear.
some say is a term usually used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour, beauty and style it is also applies to a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

KAVEKE DESIGNS,what can l say they are just amaizing funky think out of the box then think kaveke designs 'You have a taste for detail, vibrance, Drive to make sexy look easy, hate to look like the next person standing next to you at a function, desire to own your own style, experience a whole new thrill...... it long just join and leave the full exhilaration of liberty. the brand that will deface the look of Kenyan fashion and coz confrontation',thats how he describes it.

JM PERFECTION,wambui makes her designs inspired by every african fabric.............all the sophisticated and elegant wear she has from bridal wear to funky cocktail dresses
Sunday, August 29, 2010
this week al dedicate to fabulosity so just wait and c 1st on my list is Rio this space
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

she is always amaizing and the next thing you see when she enters the runway is just fierce... she is the funny one yet the mature one sometimes she acts like my mum..what l remember about her is that she used to hate someone l was dating and she used to tell me that everyday...but l thank her because he turned out to be a jerk

from the 1st time l met her we just clicked,it was an MTV audition and we both were rejected(so sad)on other occasitions ad be so dissapointed and just go home in a bad mood but that day you would have thought l was chosen because we were all talking like we knew each other for a long time......MERXCY SIAMBE has been there for me through thick and thin am proud of her we rock the runway as well as the streets she is just what l always say...FABULOUS

'hey are you sharon sudi?' that's what she said the first time l met her,her smile can light up the whole room,she demands your attention when she walks in a room and she comands your attention when she is on the run way what can l say DIANA NEKOYE lights up even my world....when she joined face of Africa l cheered her to the end not because l know her but because l knew she had potetial to win the competition,she is the true definition that not all models are blondes l call her a triple threat,beauty,brains and confidence

the first l met her was at an African woman shoot in Nairobi and she was all rocking the shoot l remember telling myself 'this bitch is stealing my lime light'....then we began bonding during makeup and she was just an angel she was sweet that the 'bitch ' name got off my head and now it was all sweet......she is one of a kind down to earth and l knew she will go far,why?being a model demands alot and when you got it all and have the secrete ingredient of being humble then believe you'l get far..this lovely girl is HELEN DAUSEN..............
Monday, August 23, 2010
how many halo's have you said till now?how many smiles have you given till now? am geusing you havent given out more than 10 and why?you think you not a morning person well think again because alittle smile goes a long way.......
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Am so sorry av not been updating the blog on the regular av been sick but now from now on al be able to be updating since me al better now
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
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