A few years back if you had asked me of any fashion designers l would have told you Calvin clain ask me what he made an would have told you underwear and cologne,ingnorant?l know……..anyway when you get exposed and start appreciating peoples work then you get a better perspective on what really is they do.l have come to admire the works of Vivian Westwood whose summer collection at the pari fashion week was spectacular, Alexis mabell,john Galliano who mixes his collection with a touch of poet and jean gaultier who has done a collection to flatter the normal regular woman’s body. Then there are the usual that is the likes of Calvin clain, jimmy chooses who just have spectacular collections that are well known to many.
Now my focus today is on local designers who most of us do not even know and recognize, am talking the likes of john kaveke who is the most talented and most craziest designer yet, he told me once that ,’am going to the market to get inspirations for your outfit’, he gets his inspirations from wired place but the result, you will definitely love,Vaishali morjaria who mixes her Indian fusion with little bit of African making it all funky and stylish, Lucy rao of Rialto fashion and wambui of jm perfection who bases most of their designs the African way from bridal to just office wear. all this designers are based in Kenya.
Then to Tanzania where l have ally who is just as wild as his sense of style,result?just superb, Mustafa hassan Ali,vida mihando,asia who likes her designs with kanga, Rio Paul who is upcoming but that space should be watched and many more.
We have more like Silvia awouri,in Uganda Thula sindi in south Africa and a bunch of many others who are just so talented, however the whole point of this is what are we doing to promote this people.
L started by saying l didn’t know most of the but now l know but still asking why l run for that Gucci bag or that George dress if l have kaveke and Ally that can make me a better dress at a cheaper price?!
We tend to believe that the those big names are better that our own whereas our own shine if given the same publicity as the others…..l always think and believe it all has to do with me and you deciding to buy that Kaveke design as compared to a lui vitton.
You tend to get a jimmy choo bag at almost two thousand dollars whereas you can get a bag at Silvia’s which is just as stylish and convenient as the jimmy choo at only one hundred dollars. so am saying wouldn’t you rather get that and support your own designers know most of you who are it girls like me(guilty)buy the name and not the bag but its time to change and try to make it a wonderful place for all of us.
I promise me to be getting a local design at least one each day l go shopping what are you going to do to support your designers?